
All students below Black Belt will wear white Traditional Japanese style Gis. Ranks beginning with Jukyu and higher can wear the crest, carry the Spirit Force bag and wear the Spirit Force jacket. Ni-kumi and San-kumi ranks have the right to wear the crest on their GIs but not carry the bag or wear an official jacket.

· Your obi should never be placed on the ground. Avoid letting your obi touch the ground while tying it around your waist. The belt is a symbol of the style and of your own work and should be treated with respect.

· If your gi or obi comes undone or lose during class, you must readjust them. Never face a higher ranked student while adjusting or tying your gi or obi. If you are surrounded by higher ranking students and cannot move, kneel down to adjust your belt.

· Do not wear your obi outside the dojo, this is considered a form of bragging.

· Be sure that your obi is always tied properly and is always tight at the knot.

· A complete white gi must be worn. Only Black Belts may wear a combination of black and white.

· Gi's must be kept clean. Do not wash your obi; washing will cause unsightly bunching.


Approved T-shirts consist of:

· Plain White or black (black for Dan ranks only).

· Other adornments are permitted If done in a respectful and tasteful manner and reflect a proper Spirit Force Image only with permission of your Sensei, or Soke Smith.

T-shirts can be worn outside of class or to Informal classes as designated by the student's Sensei. Tournaments are not considered informal.


· No adornments, other than the crest, will be worn on the gi, regardless of rank.

A student begins to fall under dress code guide lines  when he/she tests for their first rank. (Kumi or Kyu). Anyone from another system who decides to study Spirit Force must conform to the dress code for their rank.



Junior white  Ishi Kumi  1 stripe
 Junior white  Ni Kumi  2 stripe
 Junior white  San Kumi  3 stripe
 Orange  Jukyu  10th class
 Orange  Kyu-kyu  9th class
 purple  Hachikyu  8th class
 purple  Sichikyu  7th class
 Green  Rokyu  6th class
 Green  Gokyu  5th class
 Green  Yonkyu  4th class
 Brown  Sankyu  3rd class
 Brown  Nikyu  2nd class
 Brown  Ikkyu  1st class
 Black  Shodan  1st degree
 Black  Nidan  2nd degree
 Black  Sandan  3rd degree
 Black  Yodan  4th degree
 Black  Godan  5th degree
 Black (Master)  Rokudan  6th degree
 Black (Master)  Sichidan  7th degree
 Black (Master)  Hachidan  8th degree
 Black (Master)  Chudan  9th degree
 Black (grandmaster)  Judan  10th degree

    Sensei - Angela Armstrong
Sensei - Rick Armstrong

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